At Bressingham Pimary School we respect and value the fundamental British values of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At the beginning of September, the children elect school council members from each year group. School Councillors are chosen by their peers and are the voice of the children in helping plan events, solve problems and make improvements to the life of the school. They meet regularly with the Headteacher.
Play Leaders
Our Play Leaders are children from Year 4 and Year 6 who apply for this role. They support younger children with games and activities at playtimes and lunchtimes.
Eco Reps
In the autumn term, pupils in Years 2-6 can apply to be an Eco Rep. Following their application they are elected by their class. Our Eco reps have a very important role to play in promoting sustainability; helping to conserve energy, litter picking, caring for the school grounds, telling the school about our solar panels and how much energy they have produced as well as developing ideas for projects.